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Community, Hosting

Nesterly Interview Guide

Below are a few sample interview questions to help you gauge compatibility with prospective housemates.

Did you connect with a Nesterly community member? Congratulations! It is now time to schedule an interview to see if you are a good homesharing fit. Consider a phone call or video call as a first step.

During the interview – Do not be shy about stating what you are looking for and discussing the topics that are most important to you. Remember, upfront communication is key to a successful homeshare.

At the end of your interview – Let your prospective housemate know how and when you will follow up with them. If possible, clarify a timeline for when you will make a decision.


General Interview Questions

  • How did you hear about Nesterly?
  • What interested you in joining the Nesterly community?
  • Have you lived with a housemate before? What did you like or dislike about that experience?
  • What are you looking for in a housemate?
  • How do you usually spend your nights and weekends? How has this changed during the pandemic?
  • What’s your typical daily schedule?
  • Do you plan on socializing outside of the home? If so, are you able to follow best practices? (social distancing when possible, wearing face covering, etc.)


Additional Host Questions

  • Why are you leaving your current place?
  • Do you have any questions about my home?
  • How much luggage and/or furniture do you plan to bring?
  • If you are working or studying from home, what is your routine?
  • Do you plan on having any regular visitors?
  • Tip : If you are interested in receiving help around the house for lower rent, use this time to explain the help you are interested in, the weekly or monthly time commitment, and the correlating rent reduction. Ask the prospective Guest about their ability and interest in providing the service(s) you are looking for.
  • Important Note about Fair Housing: You have the right to choose who you will live with in your home. However, please note that because of Fair Housing legislation, you should not ask potential housemates questions about race, religion, place of birth, marital status, or if they have children.


Additional Guest Questions

  • Will I be sharing your home with other residents? If so, could you please tell me about them?
  • Are you homesharing outside of Nesterly?
  • (For listings with a shared bathroom) Who will I be sharing the Guest bathroom with?
  • Do you have any rules or guidelines regarding amenity usage that aren’t included in your listing?
  • Besides the ones provided by Nesterly, do you have specific guidelines for hygiene within the home?
  • What is your policy on visitors?
  • Tip: Nesterly recommends requesting a tour of your prospective Host’s home in person or through video call (e.g., Skype, Facetime) before finalizing a homeshare to make sure you’ve found the right fit.
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