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How to Take Home Photos

Keep reading for tips on taking high-quality photos in a few seconds with just a smartphone or tablet. Listings with 5-10 photos are 10 times more likely to get booked.

Tidy up your space. Learn how to clean out your extra room here.

Take pictures during the day. Shoot during the day and make sure to open blinds or curtains to let the natural light in.

Take pictures from the corner of the room. This will make your space look more spacious.

Shoot landscape photos. Always avoid shooting vertical photos.

Showcase what makes your home special. Take pictures of your favorite features in your home (e.g. reading nook, photo-lined hallway, lit fireplace.)


Check out some of our favorite Listing photos from real Nesterly Hosts for inspiration:


Already have nice photos of your home, but need help uploading them to your listing? Email them to We’re happy to upload them for you.

Need help taking photos? Email to see if you’re eligible for a free Nesterly photoshoot.

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